Goal Specific Exercise Routines

No matter the goal, Mark will create an individualized, goal specific workout plan/routine for beginners, intermediate, or advanced fitness enthusiasts.

  • Build Muscle

  • Increase Strength

  • Increase Endurance (Muscular & Cardiovascular)

  • Enhance Functional Movement Patterns

  • Increase Flexibility

  • Increase Agility Performance

Need some extra pointers? No worries, Mark has you covered. Working with many post physical therapy patients, Mark has a keen eye for exercise form and corrective exercises. No matter your level of fitness, all exercises can be modified to fit your functional needs.

  • Perfect your form on exercises

  • Continued post rehab exercise prescription

  • Decrease injury

  • Increase joint, tendon, and ligament health

All personalized/goal specific exercise prescriptions are 6-week programs. Each includes 1 Consultation and 3 virtual check-in with Coach Mark to make sure you are reaching your goals and to answer any questions. Each additional check-in will be $25.

No virtual check-ins are included in exercise plans, only the initial consultation. Each plan is designed to be a 6-week program. You may add virtual check-ins of $25 per session.

*Virtual Sessions are 30 minutes each*


If you're interested in hearing more about the way Mark works, or are interested in making a purchase, we'd love to hear from you.


Clarence and Brenda Smith
My husband and I both worked with Mark after completing our physical therapy. I was treated for meniscus issues and Clarence for a frozen shoulder.
Mark developed an individual exercise prescription catered to our needs. I was living off of cortisone shots for 2 years and my husband was not able to utilize his shoulder to go bow hunting.
After working with Mark for 6 months, I developed the muscles surrounding my knee, building up the strength to function with little to no pain and completely stoped the cortisone shots. Clarence was able to regain full range of motion back to his shoulder so that he was able to get back to using his bow.
Mark really took the time to make sure we were performing our exercise with precise form, making us stronger and avoiding injury. The tips and tricks he was able to show us with certain exercises were amazing. It was amazing to see how slight adjustments made such a difference. We both would recommend Mark without any doubt!